February 21, 2012

Again and again

Hey there! Haven't blogged for awhile. Was busy with some stuff. Yes, i'm fine :)

So anyway, i'm currently sulking with Andzar. Again. Well, he kind of 'used' me just to make his ex jealous by tweeting with me cause he knows his ex will see it. I dunno why. I don't really care, i just feel like i'm being used. And then, after that he was like jokingly-fighting with a form 1 girl on Twitter.

Well, it kinda bothers me cause he looks as if he reaaaally cares if he fought with another girl. Well, you know, when they have a bf/gf, they shouldn't be like that. They should only care for their bf/gf. So that the bf/gf would feel special and stuff like that. Yeah, it's just..... yeah.

I've been sulking since yesterday, before i went for tuition. I wanted to be 'okay' with him again, but i feel so.... sad. I can't even...... ergh.

Well, he whatsapped me, kept on saying that he thinks i don't love him anymore. I still love him. That's why i feel like this. If i don't love him anymore, i would've just left him. But yeah, i have to keep treating him this way. I'm forced to be this way. He has know, how hurt i am. How sad i am. How..... pathetic i am.

Yes, maybe, just maybe, he didn't do anything that bad. I know, i know. But, i can't change the way i feel. The way i feel inside me. I just have to hope for the best.

Thanks for reading! With love, Madihah.

February 1, 2012

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Hi there :) How's it going? I've been good. I think. So, we have reached the month of February. January has ended. And everything is going quite well. Alhamdulillah.

So, school is okay. It's okay cause a lot of teachers didn't come. Haha lol.

Well, Andzar and i have been okay :) Today is our 1 month anniversary :') Hihi, i'm quite happy with us. Well yeah, quite. Something liddat, i guess. K whatever.

Yesterday, i thought about something. In english subject, i had to tell my teacher what my career path is. As i was writing what i see myself going to be when i grow up, i had a lot of choices. Before this, i had only one and i was never really sure of being that. My mind thought about being a fashion designer, architect, photographer and maybe a painter. Or maybe i can be all those things at the same time. Haha, how funny.

Bytheway, i owe someone RM5. Haha. It's been weeks since i wanted to give him the money. But i never got a chance to give it to him. I'm shy. Like REALLY, shy. Everyday i tried giving it to him. And whenever i walk beside him or walk along his class, he'd say hi to me and his friends would tease us. And, i think the teasing might've been the cause of me being shy to give him the money. Well, i can try giving it to him tomorrow. I'll try.

I'm getting off topic now. Haha. I don't know why i always do that. So anyway, Hello February. Goodbye January. I'll miss you :')