February 1, 2016

Random Stuff

I'm not 100% sure if I'll stay on topic this time but, anything can happen, right? LET'S DO THIS!

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. I just finished deleting some weird ass old posts of mine just now. When I read it, I felt like hitting myself on the head, or basically just go back in time and punch myself in the face. It was THAT embarrassing. I wonder how many people have read them? Gosh.. kill me now please.

I have been reading a lot of mangas lately.. (as most of you all may now, I don't have a life) and this is the first time I've actually binge-reading them. Like seriously, a lot! Until I'm not even sure which story is which now. I might as well have to reread them whenever they're updated since I'm confused which characters are in which stories. But, it still made me laugh out loud though. I've never experienced this.. I think. I'm not quite sure.

Well, looks like I'm stuck at home. Being lifeless. As if it's not even a real holiday. Sigh. This is frustrating, you see, as SPM results are coming March the 3rd. I want to have fun before I get depressed because I know my results won't be so good. I imagine myself locking myself in my room, all gloomy and sad. I want to enjoy this curiosity of mine, before everything changes. 

I can't seem to have much fun now since everyone's busy. But, there are some that aren't, but unfortunately I'm stuck at home for no apparent reason. Sigh.. again. I don't know what else to say or do, I've become numb. I don't feel anything anymore but I do feel sad at the thought of not seeing my friends again. Sadly, not everyone understands that. They think that they do, but really, they don't.

I'd like to go away and just disappear. I won't last a day alone though but I just wanted to try it. But, meh. Whatever.

I just thought of this, that the guys in animes or mangas are all so almost perfect. They're hilarious, definitely my type of humor but, they don't exist. They're just made up and I'm obsessing over made up people. That's kind of sad. 

I wonder if interesting things will happen one day. I mean, really bizarre ones. These days have been dull for me, and this is one of the reasons why I miss school a lot. I even got lazier too. My room's kind of a mess right now and I just couldn't care less. I'm the type of person that doesn't like messiness but apparently, this can't be helped. I'm doomed, for life. Somebody, please help me
*cries internally*


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