January 25, 2016

The Back Story Of "SUZUKI SOHMA"

Mutsuki and Sawa!!

The photo above has nothing to do with what I'm about to talk about now haha I just thought it looked cute.

The reason why I like the name 'Suzuki Sohma' so much is because.. I don't know, I just liked it. Well, at first I though of it as just a plain name that I find interesting when I read a manga entitled, V.B Rose. One of the characters was named Suzuki and I instantly liked the name. And then I added Sohma at the end because I love the Sohmas of Fruits Basket so so much.

I started to get attached with that name when I stumbled upon an Anime website (sadly, I forgot what it was) that had a chatroom or some sort at the bottom of the main page. My username was Suzukisohma and then I made friends with a bunch of people from all over the world there. They were really nice to me but some of them were.. weird.

They nicknamed me 'Suzu-chan' and it was so cute! After a few months, the name had a special place in my heart. Even on gaiaonline, my username is Suzukisohma. I'm like a mild otaku kind of girl lol.

Thus, the forgotten Suzuki Sohma is reborn!


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