January 17, 2016


Anime/Manga is incredibly underrated and it saddens me so very much. I'm scared that it might one day be forgotten and slowly disappear, forever. That probably won't happen but, still. It's possible since kids nowadays are much too advanced or just don't know what the hell anime/manga is.

I'm glad for being born just at the right time. And also for my grandmother to be having a very kind maid that likes to recommend me amazing Animes that she always watch on TV. I'm absolutely thankful for that. If not, I wouldn't know how cool the Anime world is. (Like some people are now)

Anime/Manga is cool but people are too ignorant or too egoistic to watch it. I've fallen in love with it so many times and really, it has made myself become the person I am now. The characters are all so lively, hilarious, exaggerating but fun and many more. No offence, but, I'd rather watch Animes or read mangas rather than watch all those typical love dramas on TV at my country right now. It's all so cliche and weird. So disappointed, really.

I love Fruits Basket, Kaichou Wa Maid-sama!, Ouran High School Host Club and Fruits Basket Another. I like Naruto, Fairy Tail, Special A and Tokyo Ghoul too but not to the point where I'll obsess over them. I'm most obsessed about Fruits Basket though. Whenever I watch the Anime or read the manga, it just makes me happy and then when I finally finish watching/reading them, I'll get this empty feeling in my heart like I don't know what to do anymore after that. I know, it's ridiculous. But, yeah, it has affected my life so much. A little too much, I think haha.

If you were to watch/read it, you'll feel like you want to live the characters' lives, give them a hug, make them happy, and so on. There were happy parts and also sad parts. Especially Fruits Basket though. It started all fun and cheerful but towards the end, it became dark and full of sorrow. You'll learn a lot about life, bonds turned to curse, separation, partings, and many more. It's a bittersweet ending where everyone is happy but sad at the same time.

It also teaches you to always be independent, do not burden others, do not use other people for own advantage and everyone needs to be kind towards other people. It really makes you think about how you have been treating other people all this time and then you'll finally realise that you need to change, try to become like the characters in the Anime/manga, even if they're fictional, or you're just acting like you're a nice person, fake identity or whatever it is but, you'll still do good things. And that's okay.

If people ask me why I love all these Anime/manga so much, I think it would take about a few days to finally finish the list of 'whys'. I guess you'd have to watch it for yourself, then you'd know or feel it yourself. You just need to be open-minded, that's all. No harm done in doing that, right?


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