Hey! Haha. Sorry didn't post yesterday. Wasn't in the mood. So anyway, yesterday, something reaaaaally funny happened! Okay so my class went downstairs for Pendidikan Jasmani. Marsya and i went to the store and took some racquets to play badminton. As we were done playing, we watched Fatini, Farah and Anyssa playing jump ropes. Well, skipping for short. They played with Erianna, Diana, Syakirin and Puteri. Some of them played. Some did not. Marsya and i weren't that good at skipping so we just watched. Some form 3,4 and 5 boys were playing football and other stuffs beside us. Well, far from us of course. As we played, two form 4 boys came and wanted to play. We were like, Okaaaaay? Cause, well, they were BOYS and already FORM FOUR. Hahah. So, they skipped while Fatini and Erianna turned the rope? Eh? I dunno what's it called. Lol. The two boys skipped facing each other. First, they skipped, tak jadi. Second time, jadi sekejap. Third time, jadi. They skipped reaaaally good. And then, lamakelamaan, they got a bit closer, and closer and then BAM! Terhantuk. The taller one hit his head at his friend when they got closer. We all laughed a lot! It was hysterical! We had a superduper great time! The taller boy walked away while holding his head cause it hurt a lot. Haha. His friend pun tergelakgelak! Haha. Kay continue tomorrow! Gtg eat! ttyl.
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