February 14, 2011

The lazyness in me.

Heythere! I didn't update 2/3 days ago because i was lazy. I have tons of homework too! Tapi tak buat. Damn. -.-' Anyway, a lot happened though. Farisah and Intan told me a story. Yeahh. It was quite the greatest story they have ever told and stuff but in a certain way, it made me hurt like a stab on the chest. Hahah, Justjokinghere. No it didn't. Well, it hurt but not THAT painful. It was actually... Nahh! I'll get on that later. So anyway, yesterday my mom buat open house. My cousins, Anis and Tasnim and only their family came. We camwhored a lot! Haha. Cameroid was being a total jerk so we had to google something LIKE cameroid. So, we found Seenly.com. It's a bit like Cameroid but cameroid was better. Hahah. :p Tasnim showed me some SHINee videos at youtube. While waiting it to load, we took a lot of pictures of Me, Anis and Tasnim. The Lost Girls of Neverland. <3 Since i love Peter Pan, i made the photo album in Facebook "We are The Lost Girls." Creative, isn't it? :D Hehe. So, the story of Farisah and Intan. Well, they told me, lately.. a certain someone tegured them. I was like :O :O :O :O :O Haha, yeahh. Serious i was shocked and still in shock. Never in my life that certain someone tegur me. Well, pandang adelah. Pandang STRAIGHT pulak tu. My heart beat lajuuuuu! >.< He talked to Intan and Farisah kot! I was like OMG OMG OMG! Huhuhu. =/ But enough with that! I wanna go and post about today so chaw! :)


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