February 7, 2011

Injection day.

Hey everyone! Well, i woke up at 6:20am. I finished dressing up at 7:00am. I did my homework cause i haven't finished some. Ayah hantared me to school today. Arrived at... err, idn'tknw? Lol. My watch battery habis so.. -.-' Anyway, arrived there, i put my bag and chatted with Siti, Anis, Marsya,  and Fatini. We talked lah apelah. Cikgu Nurhazwani came and ambil kedatangan. And then she said, "Harini injection" I was like OMG! OMG! OMG!! dengan Siti. Asma lah apelah. Lol. xD We so cool kan? :p Anyway, we cooled and stuff. Cikgu cakap kena naik class dulu and ikut kelas. Whuish! Malaaay! xD The perhimpunan started with prayers. We nyanyi lagu Negaraku, Lagu Negeri Selangor and Lagu Sekolah. And then, we went upstairs to our classes. We started our lesson with Kemahiran Hidup. Studied lah apelah.

Recess! Our class belum lagi so, a little relieved cause we get to eat before our injection. I recessed with, of course, the usual people. :p No, i'm not bored with them. I still love them. Lol. :D Farisah came, so we went and buy orange juice together. Gossiped woot! xD And then, we saw dye punye Abaaaangg! OHEMGEE! Serious handsomeeee gileee! *Melts* hihi. Farisah pun macam OMG OMG OMG! Lol. We also cool kan? :p We ate Nasi Lemak with Orange Juice. Gossip lah sambilsambil tu! :D Recess ended and we went upstairs, wishing good luck to each other. Hehe. :p Went upstairs and belajar. On the way there, i saw Vanilla <3! Oh godd, handsommeeenyeee >.< Hehehe. :p I arrived and sat at my table. Cikgu panggil-ed and all the girls went downstairs. 1 M and 1 A dah buat. 1 B and 1 C pun dah. So, our class was next. I was nervous gile! But i cooled a little when i knew that they injected cepat sikit. It was my turn.

I sat on a chair and they injected me. When the jarum masuk, it didn't hurt, but when the nurse pulled it out, OMG! Sakit gileee! >.< I got upsairs to my class. As i got in, the boys laughed. Bangangg! Sepaaaak karang padenn mukooo! -.- Studied and stuff. My hand hurt gileee! I can't move it much. And it still hurts right now. At 1:50pm, i got home. Umie told me that we have physiotherapy today but i postponed it cause my hand hurts. Me and Mak Long ate at Coffee Bean while Umie did her physiotherapy. Me and Mak Long went to the clinic there. And then, ada this American/Australian guy probably 17/18, HANDSOME GILE! Oh gooodd! >.< Hihi. Umie finished so we went home. Homework satu je so Yaaaayy! :D Hehe. I onlined facebook and i saw i was chatting with Huda. Padehal Farisah hacked into my account. -__-" But, i'm glad Huda said Sorry. I mean, i couldn't believe she would be the one saying sorry. Haha. If you're reading this, i wanna say sorry too. :) And then, wall to walled with Abang Faiz! Kelakar doh abang tu! xD He's form 3. Kbhai! :)


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