April 21, 2011

21st March 2011

Hi there! Today was fun! The whole day i had no teacher! I went to school with my tudung which isn't awesome as it used to. Urgh -.- I talked with Siti. She told me something that made her cry. I was shocked ya know. I feel bad for her :/ Oh well. So, first period was sivik. Cikgu Nurhazwani didn't come too because she was the referee for the bola jaring thingy. The class was noisy of course. The minutes passed by, the bell rang and it was Maths. Cikgu Haslina didn't come too today. So Marsya and i went to the toilet. As we walked from the toilet, we passed the canteen. Bazlin and his friends were in front of us. About 7 meters far. He saw me and stopped walking for a while. He waved at me and i waved back. He shouted my name and said "Hi!" while smiling at me. He's so cuteee :D Plus, he's so brave to say hi to an ugly person like me x)

Anyway, Marsya and i went to class and the class was freaking noisy. Talked with some peeps and all. The bell rang and all of us went to the library. At the library, i took my buku nilam and sat at my table. I was forced to sit next to Haziq -.- Beside Haziq was Syakirin. Beside me was Marsya and in front of me was Qistina. I took a book. Forgot the title. While i read the book, the peeps there got all noisy and padan muka kena marah dengan Cikgu Loke. Haha. Then, all of the sudden, Haziq said, "Ada budak cemerlang kat sebelah aku ni" just cause i read a book. While i read the book, Syakirin looked at us both. And then she said, "Eh, korang nampak sesuai oh". -____-" Haziq said some crap and Qistina cakap something about Hafiz and stuffs. The bell rang and all. We all went to class. Anyssa and i walked by 3 Dedikasi's class which is Abang Faiz's class. He didn't see me because he was too focused on what the teacher said to the class. Lol.

So it was recess. Of course i recessed with Farisah. I bought the sausage thingy again while Farisah bought nuggets. We both bought Soya drinks. We went back to our table. Ontheway there, i saw Nadim. He said "Hi". Lol. I just smiled at him and left. Dia sukaa dekatt _ _ A _ _! Haha. Can't tell you. Don't want to. :p We ate and all. That sausage thingy is so freaking delicious! I want to eat it. NOW. Ohlol so anyway, we went to the stall back to see if ada chokichoki. No luck. Again :( Frust gilaaa! Then, Bazlin shouted Farisah's name and waved at her. Haha. Farisah sukaa :p The bell rang. Said our goodbyes and went to class. The teacher didn't come. All of us were bored. FREAKING bored. All of us decided to go to the library again. All of the GIRLS only. When we arrived there, there was too many people. So we went back to class. Marsya had a plan so that we could go to the bilik kesihatan. All of us agreed to go there since there was no teacher. Atall.

Marsya and i ran to the bilik kesihatan to see if it was locked or not. It wasn't locked so we can go in. Marsya and the moral people that was there had to fight to go there. Yeahhhh. The moral peeps are jerks fyi. -.- Ontheway to the bilik kesihatan, i saw Abang Faiz at the stairs and he and his friends saw me. I buat tak tahu and waited for Marsya at the corridor. I was facing the bilik kesihatan. Then, all of the sudden, Abang Faiz shouted my name. I looked back and i saw him smiling while closing his mouth with his hand. I smiled back and looked at the bilik kesihatan. I looked back and saw his friends and him going back to their class. Saw Marsya and the moral peeps fighting and all. We finally can go in. Marsya and i ran back to class and told all the girls that we can go in. All of us went to the bilik kesihatan. I saw some of the girls were waiting at the stairs. They looked worried cause Marsya and the moral people were fighting. Bazlin walked by us. Qistina said, "BALIIIN! Ni Madihah nii!" while pointing at me. I looked at Bazlin then he smiled at me like he was shy or something and waved. I smiled back and looked at Qistina. When i look back, Bazlin walked at my back and hid his face then Qistina said, "Eceeh eceh malu pulakk!" while laughing.

I buat tak tahu and went to the bilik kesihatan with Qistina. We waited at the corridor for other people to come. Bazlin was at the corridor too but he was on the second floor. He smiled at me and all. Qistina shouted, "Balin gatal ehh". Hahalol. Bazlin tetiba pointed at me and smiled. I smiled back and went back to the bilik kesihatan. Qistina and i went back to class. Ontheway there, we walked by 4PD1. Bazlin was there. Qistina shouted at him my name. He saw me and shouted my name and said hi. Lol. He shouted my name AGAIN and then waved AGAIN. Wattahe x) His friends semua pandaaang je me o.o Qistina and i arrived our class and asked if the girls are coming or not. They said they aren't so we had to go back the bilik kesihatan to tell Marsya. Marsya was pissed. Haha. Kesiaaan :) Ontheway there, we walked pass Abang Faiz and his friends. :O Haha.

Qistina, Marsya and i went back to class. Bazlin was at the corridor and he saw me. He waved at me, smiled and then he hulur tangan cause he wanted to salam me. I hulur-ed my tangan and then we salam-ed. Awkwaaard but sweet :) Went back to class and all. After a while, the class got noisy and stuff. I sat at the front and i saw Bazlin and his friends at the corridor looking at me. Then, i saw he was talking with his friend. His friend came in my class holding a paper. He said, "Ada sesiape nama Madihah tak?". I raised my hand and he opened the paper and gave it to me. The paper said, "Would you be mine? =)" I was shocked and super shy. Bazlin wrote that btw. Kecoh satu kelas doh. Semua macam, "Cakap lah yeee!" and stuff. Lelaki pun samaa doh. -.- I looked at the corridor again and i saw Bazlin and his friends already left because there was a teacher walking by. I simpan-ed the paper elokelok. Terharuuu doh :') Never in my life ada orang tulis tuu x'D

Anyways, the bell rang and whatsoever. Got home and stuffs. Texted with Hafiz :D Onlined facebook and blogged about today. I loved today. No teachers were the bestt thing that has ever happened. I love today. I need today for forever. I miss today :') Kthnxbye.


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